Sunday, February 7, 2016

Types of Hazards

In this blog we'll be discussing three different types of hazards, and going into a little bit of detail about each one.  The three hazards that we'll be discussing are physical hazards of materials, reaction hazards, and environmental hazards.  Lets start with physical hazards of materials.  Something that is talked about when dealing with physical hazards is engulfment.  What is engulfment?  Well, according to the site , an engulfment hazard is an area that if entered puts someone in danger of being engulfed by liquid or a flow-able solid.  This is where understanding confined spaces is important.  Another term you may hear is cryogenics.  What is this?  Well, according to the site , cryogenics is the study of the behavior of a material once it goes below a certain temperature.  This is important when dealing with hazards because if you are unaware of the cryogenics of a substance it may have dangerous side effects if this information is unknown.  When talking about reaction hazards, polymerization hazards may be a topic.  This is when molecules join together and become a bigger molecule.  This reaction creates heat and can get out of control, causing an explosion potentially according to the site .  A substance can also be water reactive, which is self explanatory; when it is exposed to water it undergoes a chemical reaction.  This reaction can cause a gas release, which can be very dangerous to other surroundings which someone may not know that substances can have a negative reaction with water.  A last example in reaction hazards we will talk about is thermal decomposition.  According to the site , this is when a substance undergoes an endothermic reaction and decomposes due to heat.  As you can see, most of these hazards have something to do with heat so it is very important to understand the properties of a substance you are using or else you could be putting yourself and others around you in danger.  The last type of hazard we will be talking about is environmental hazards.  This section may talk about bioaccumulation.  What even is this?  Maybe you've never heard of this word before.  Well, according to the site , this is when an organism absorbs a hazardous substance faster than the substance can exit or be taken care of and eradicated.  This is where genealogy comes into play.  Genealogy can tell the ancestry line of an organism that may be harmful to ones health.  This is important for people's safety, and can help get rid of a problem if the source is discovered using this technique.  I hope this blog was helpful in describing some hazards that you may not have heard of before.  It is important to know the physical and chemical properties of a substance because if it is not known, as you can see from this blog, there is a lot of potential for hazards to arise which can put many people in danger.  Understanding these properties is very important and is definitely something to consider 

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