Monday, April 18, 2016

ISO Standards

Todays articles will be about three different ISO standards and what each of them describes/explains.  The three standards we will be discussing today are ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001.  Before we begin, some of you may not be aware of what an ISO standard is.  Well, according to the site , ISO is an international organization that stands for International Standards Organization.  It has 161 national members and has published over 21000 different standards.  The standards from this organization ensure quality safety and efficiency and with the same international standards, organizations from around the world can all be on the same page when it comes to workplace safety/efficiency.  So, lets start with ISO 9000, or ISO 9001 since it was recently updated, what is it?  This standard, according to the site , addresses everything involved with quality management.  You may hear this be addressed also as a QMS.  This QMS stands for quality management system.  This standard focuses on different things that quality systems should look at, however, it does not specify any implementation.  The next standard we will mention is ISO 14000, or 14001 since it was upgraded recently as well.  The 14000 ISO series are standards involving the environmental management and responsibilities or organizations, according to the site .  What does this mean exactly?  Basically this standard discusses how businesses need to integrate an environmental management system, or EMS, into its operations and standards.  This helps save the environment as well as the people who live nearby because if the environment around a site is contaminated, then there is high risk of health effects to those in the area who may rely on the land for their everyday lives.  This could include water contamination, land contamination and also harm to wildlife.  The last international standard we will be discussing is the 18000 standard.  This standard is also named the OHSAS 18000 standard according to the site .  Basically, this standard is all about the safety aspect of international standards.  It is essentially an occupational health and safety management system.  All of these standards play an important role in any industry, especially trade across the globe because with these international standards that every body uses, every one can be on the exact same page and know what to expect from other industries around the globe.  So a recap to differentiate these three standards:  ISO 9000 is all about the quality and efficiency od an industry and how t be the most productive and efficient, ISO 14000 deals specifically with the industry and the environment in making sure that the industry is following the environmental management system and following all of those procedures to reduce environmental liability and risk as well as prevent pollution and reduce waste.  Lastly, OHSAS 18000 is all about the occupational health and safety side to industry.  I hope this article was helpful in providing information about ISO 9000, 14000 and 18000 and describing the key differences of each of these International Standards.

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